Look at Beyonce and Jay Z on the beach pretending to be normal!
This is exactly what WE look like on the beach. Chilled out, relaxed and, er, slightly bored
I just forgot to take my sunglasses off, OK? I'm not trying to be cool
We LOVE THESE PICTURES. Check out Beyonce and Jay Z chilling on the beach in St Barts and pretending to be all normal-like.
Wow, this is nice. So, er, what now?
There they are looking for all the world like a normal couple. They
don't even have sun loungers! They haven't even sprung for a brolly!
They're just sitting on their towels like we do. They'll no doubt have
sand in their bits, be a little bit too hot and are just working out
that reading on the beach is a pain in the bum. You can't hold the book
up to block out the sun without your arms aching - and then when you
read on your stomach your neck aches. IT'S A NIGHTMARE.
The only thing for it is to leap into the sea like a gazelle - which is exactly what Bey does.
Hands up if you're the richest and most famous person on the beach
Just imagine seeing Beyonce and Jay Z lying on the beach next to you.
What would you say? "Hi Jay. Can we borrow your Factor 30 please?
That was fun while it lasted
The fact that they're probably on a private beach which costs £9000
an hour just to look at doesn't matter, OK? We could totally be lying
next to them.
There's no sign of baby Blue Ivy. They took her for a jaunt on a
yacht over the weekend. Bey carried Blue and Jay carried an old-school
ghetto blaster.
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